The Provincial Government is promoting the first edition of the 'Pasarela Solidaria', an event sponsored by the Alicante Rotary Club and the El Valle School with the aim of raising funds to be donated to underprivileged groups and associations in society. The initiative will take place in the MARQ the next friday 18 november as of 8.30 p.m. with a 15 euro entrance fee. The full recovery of the tickets, all of which have already been sold, will be donated to the Down Syndrome Association of Alicante.
The Deputy for the Presidency, Economy and Institutional Relations, Carlos Castillopresented the details of this solidarity initiative this morning, accompanied by the president of the Alicante Rotary Club, Isidro Fernándezand the headmistress of Colegio El Valle, Begoña Méndez. The president of the Down's Syndrome Association of Alicante was also present, María Victoria Llanothe director of El Corte Inglés in Alicante, José Antonio Masedaand the designer Fernando Aliaga.
"We consider this project to be fundamental for the province, because the commitment of the Provincial Council is to humanise the institutions, as well as to bring them closer to and put them at the service of the citizens and causes of solidarity."said Castillo, who added that ".this initiative is already a success as more than 300 tickets have been sold.".
This pioneering proposal, which starts out with the aim of having continuity over timewill start with a children's ceremonial parade by El Corte Inglés, which will be followed by a screening of the creations by the Murcian designer Fernando Aliaga. The modelling agency Elite RGB Models will be in charge of livening up the parades.
For his part, Aliaga explained that through its parade will conduct a summary of their first collections. It will start with a duality of genres that will combine traditional values with avant-garde cutsa pass which will be followed by a a spring sample collection full of colours and femininity and which will conclude with a white collection.
The proceeds from the more than 300 tickets already sold will be used to promote the supportive housing to people with Down's Syndrome in order to relieve the families and to instil and fostering self-esteem, independence and security of this group by means of these supervised homes.
This was explained by Mª Victoria Llano, who pointed out that ".our projects are being carried out little by little and one of them is the refurbishment of a flat to be used as a support dwelling, thus favouring the autonomy of its members in their day to day life.".
Finally, Carlos Castillo thanked the organisers of this proposal for having counted on the Diputación de Alicante for this project and called on everyone to keep an eye on Friday's event and to continue with this collaboration in solidarity through shared causes.