The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has organised a new conference, entitled ".In the footsteps of Champollion. Deciphering ancient Egyptian texts in the 21st century"will introduce the audience to the fascinating world of the hieroglyphic inscriptions of this ancient civilisation. The talk will be held tomorrow, Thursday 15 December from 18:00 onwards in the Assembly Hall and will be run by Marina EscolanoD. in Egyptology from the Johns Hopkins University (USA) and a BA in History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Nearly two centuries ago Jean-François Champollion recovered the messages of the Egyptians through his method for deciphering hieroglyphic writing, which laid the foundations for the foundations of modern study of the Egyptian language. This was the turning point for future generations of Egyptologists who have worked to develop this knowledge, as well as to discovering and deciphering new passages that shed light on this culture.
During the talk, Escolano will explore the messages left by the testimonies of the past through hieroglyphic inscriptions on stone or texts on papyrus in hieratic or demotic languagesHe will also speak on the modern techniques that are currently used to uncover the Egyptian passages.
Marina Escolano teaches ancient egyptian language and demotic literature in Baltimore, Maryland, and while working on his thesis he is studying and publishing papyri from various Spanish and American collections. In addition, he is also working on the study and publication of papyri from various Spanish and American collections, is an archaeologist and artist-archaeologist in the project that her American university is developing in the Temple of the Goddess Mut in Kamak Luxor, Egypt).
The Archaeological Museum of Alicantehas organised a new conference, entitled ".In the footsteps of Champollion. Deciphering ancient Egyptian texts in the 21st century"will introduce the audience to the fascinating world of the hieroglyphic inscriptionsof this ancient civilisation. The talk will be held tomorrow, Thursday 15 December from 18:00 onwardsin the Assembly Halland will be run by Marina EscolanoD. in Egyptology from the Johns Hopkins University (USA) and a BA in History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Nearly two centuries ago Jean-François Champollion recovered the messages of the Egyptians through his method for deciphering hieroglyphic writing, which laid the foundations for the foundations of modern study of the Egyptian language. This was the turning point for future generations of Egyptologists who have worked to develop this knowledge, as well as to discovering and deciphering new passages that shed light on this culture.
During the talk, Escolano will explore the messages left by the testimonies of the past through hieroglyphic inscriptions on stone or texts on papyrus in hieratic or demotic languagesHe will also speak on the modern techniques that are currently used to uncover the Egyptian passages.
Marina Escolano teaches ancient egyptian language and demotic literature in Baltimore, Maryland, and while working on his thesis he is studying and publishing papyri from various Spanish and American collections. In addition, he is also working on the study and publication of papyri from various Spanish and American collections, is an archaeologist and artist-archaeologist in the project that her American university is developing in the Temple of the Goddess Mut in Kamak Luxor, Egypt).