It's easy to learn Mathematics at the Marq



The Didactics Unit of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante yesterday held the first of the three days of the ".A MARQ of numbers"It is a project designed by the Marq's own Didactic Unit and Nieves Sala, head of the Mathematics Department of the IES El Pla de Alicante, designed to help students in the 1st and 2nd years of ESO to learn mathematics in a fun way at the Marq. It all consists of looking around us with mathematical eyes to realise that, as the MARQ shows us, mathematics has been used throughout history to solve real problems: constructing tools, designing buildings, allowing ships to navigate or decorating everyday objects. The Technical Director of the MARQ, Manuel Olcina, was very excited about this initiative and expressed his confidence that, thanks to this collaboration with the Mathematics Departments of the Educational Centres, schoolchildren in subsequent editions will get to know, and perhaps develop, among other activities, the Maya calendar coinciding with the international exhibition. Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities, which the Marq opens on 25 May.

During the presentation of this training course for teachers, which will continue until tomorrow, Thursday, the importance of developing mathematical skills through the resolution of activities in a very different context to which students are accustomed, such as the rooms of the Marq, and which require the performance of elementary operations of calculation, geometric knowledge and estimates to apply mathematical knowledge to very diverse situations, from other fields of knowledge and everyday life, and decision making, was discussed. Mathematical practices will be carried out around the architecture of the building, archaeological pieces, rooms and other museographic elements.

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