The President of the Provincial Council, César Sánchez, welcomed the members of the Executive Committee of FESBAL, the Spanish Federation of Food Banks, which met this morning at the Marq. FESBAL is a non-profit organisation that carries out fundamental social work, providing basic foodstuffs to people with scarce resources. Under the mandate of its current president, Nicolás Palacios, it has established itself as a crucial association in the daily lives of many Spanish families, as well as the migrant community living in our country, as well as many other entities and NGOs dedicated to helping the most disadvantaged in our society, whose needs are promptly met from each of the 56 Food Banks that exist throughout the country. Thanks to the advice and negotiating capacity of FESBAL, to its generous and supportive dedication, the Alicante Food Bank has increased its activity in our province tenfold, both in kilos distributed and in the significant improvement of its own Resources Fund. In recognition of this support, the acting president of the Alicante Food Bank Foundation, Juan Vicente Peral, presented the Gold Badge of the Alicante Food Bank to FESBAL in the person of its president, Nicolás Palacios.
The food distributed by the Food Banks comes from individuals who donate in the collections and kilo operations held periodically throughout the year in shops and large supermarkets in Spain. However, the bulk of donations and material contributions are made through agreements and conventions signed with both public bodies, mainly from the European Union, the Ministry of Agriculture and the aid funds of the Autonomous Regions, and private bodies, especially with companies, cooperatives and food-producing industries, distributors in the food, transport, logistics and construction sectors, as well as financial institutions and foundations. Most of its management team is made up of unpaid volunteers, retirees and early retirees, who contribute their time, enthusiasm and experience to this cause.
FESBAL is Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 2012