The president of the Junta Mayor de Hermandades y Cofradías de la Semana Santa de Alicante, Alberto Payá, and the national deputy Asunción Sánchez Zaplana, presided over the procession of the Prendimiento and Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, which departed at 17.45h yesterday, Easter Monday, from the courtyard of the Provincial Archaeological Museum.
As has become traditional, the gardens of the Marq hosted the work of ornamentation of the three thrones of the Brotherhood of the Prendimiento and Nuestra Señora del Consuelo and the processional departure of their brotherhoods. The images of El Lavatorio, El Prendimiento and Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, by the master Antonio García Mengual, once the floral arrangement was finished, were exposed to the public from midday until the start of the procession, in which they were accompanied by the musical group La Sinfónica de Crevillent.
This brotherhood was constituted in March 1996 and the following year its first procession took place. It was founded by former workers of the now defunct Provincial Hospital, now the Marq, and residents of the Pla neighbourhood. To commemorate their health links, their bearers and penitents wear green and white.