Last Saturday, May 6, took place at the Assembly Hall of the MARQ the presentation of the Santa Eulalia Colony School Statementas a finishing touch to the educational project Santa Eulalia, Live it! A unique and collective heritage. The Marq has supported this project since its origins, which has also been recognised by the Regional Ministry of Education as an Educational Research and Innovation Project in the Grouped Modality. An initiative in which 1500 students, more than 60 teachers, eight schools in the region and the town councils of Sax, Villena, Elda and Petrer, as well as technicians, professionals and various cultural entities have participated.
The closing ceremony was a very emotional event, during which a film was screened. Virtual Journey The students of IES La Canal gave a summary of the project, the activities and the micro-projects carried out, as well as a presentation of the educational materials published thanks to the collaboration of the MARQ. On the history of the Colony, another audiovisual was projected and an AUCA, the result of the work of students and teachers, was presented.
At the end of the day, members of the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the Marq gave gifts and various educational materials to participants and collaborators as thanks for their involvement in the project.Silvestre Navarro, promoter and coordinator of the project, expressed his desire to give continuity to this initiative and keep its spirit alive so that "hope remains alive and that this becomes a reality".