Solveig Norsdtröm at home





   The prestigious Swedish archaeologist Solveig Nordström (Stockholm, 1923) has maintained a close and intimate relationship with the Marq since the times of Mr. Enrique Llobregat, so she did not miss the opening of the exhibition. Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities, celebrating the 85th/15th anniversary of the MARQ. A tireless worker, she spent several hours touring the Mayan treasures and revisited the Iberian world room to pause once again before the Tanit, jagged-rimmed vessels, the Phoenix Bird, and other Iberian-Punic treasures on display in MARQ's permanent collection, which she affectionately calls "her old friends".

   Together with her collaborator, Teresa Larrocha, she hopes to start up several projects that are on her mind, such as a booklet with the flora of Lucentum with references to ancient texts and drawings, with special mention of the pomegranate tree, a tree that awakens in her the memory of the myth of Tanit and Persephone in the ceramic figures. Without leaving aside the writing of her memoirs, which she will take up again in the summer, although this is one of those intentions for which she does not want to set a specific date; as she herself says, not without a certain irony, "perhaps they cannot be published in this incarnation. The Bhagavad-Gita says that we have the right to work, but not to its fruits". 

   Dr. Nordström has linked her life and work to research into the archaeological history of the Spanish Levant since she settled in Alicante in 1955. Her work and excavations at sites in Alicante and the importance of her research are as alive as her relationship with the MARQ, her home.

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