Relive a Roman trial in Lucentum

Relive a Roman trial in Lucentum

Tomorrow the II Jornadas de Recreación Histórica Reviviscit Lucentum (II Conference of Historical Recreation Reviviscit Lucentum) will begin, organised by the cultural association Hispania Romana. During Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June, Alicante will go back in time thanks to the MARQ, taking us back to daily Roman life, with its religious ceremonies, its military parades, its laws and summary trials and even gladiator fights.

Precisely, one of the novelties of this edition is the recreation of the Roman trial: a real exercise in rhetoric, without scripts, in which each lawyer will have to use his or her wit to unmask false witnesses, extract the most information from the truthful ones and try to move the magistrate's mind when it comes to handing down a verdict. We will also take a closer look at Roman society, explaining the costumes (type, clothing, symbols) of each of them in order to identify the different social strata of the time. And finally, there will be various talks on the evolution of Roman weapons: armour, swords, shields, helmets... and we will see how the military equipment of Rome evolved throughout history.


This historical and educational show will be performed in three sessions: one on Saturday morning from 10am, another on Saturday afternoon from 6pm and the third on Sunday at 10am. The capacity of the activities is limited to 250 people and the ticket price is 3€ (children up to 7 years old can enter for free); tickets can be purchased at the Marq ticket offices, at Lucentum and through Instanticket.  


Due to the high temperatures that may be recorded at the site, it is advisable to wear a hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun and water to drink.