Record number of visitors to Mayas

Yesterday, Thursday, marked by atmospheric instability, encouraged more than a thousand Alicante residents and holidaymakers, up to 1,037 people, to visit the exhibition. Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities. This figure has never been reached in a single day since the exhibition began on 25 May and brings the total number of visitors to 33,242 as of yesterday, Thursday.

Mayas is a magnificent recreational and cultural plan to delve into the mysteries of this disturbing Mesoamerican civilisation during the summer holidays. A particularly entertaining and educational exhibition, designed to be enjoyed by the whole family and accessible to everyone.

Also in August, the Marq has programmed an extensive calendar of guided and dramatised visits to this exhibition, whose timetables and prices can be consulted on our website. and in our RRSS. The summer opening hours allow visitors to visit the museum in the mornings, from 10am to 2pm, and in the evenings, from 6pm to 10pm; on Sundays and public holidays, only in the mornings.