This year with the slogan I am still me, the Spanish Confederation of Associations of People with Alzheimer's and other Dementias (CEAFA), wanted to give special significance to the person who has been, is and will be until his or her last day, not to the Alzheimer's patient. In this way, the associations also aim to go a step further and give relevance to an axis as fundamental as "hidden" until now: people diagnosed with Alzheimer's in the initial or mild phase, whose vision, experience, knowledge, concerns, needs, opinions... must be taken into account when planning any specific action in this area.
Since September 2016, the MARQ Foundation and AFA Alicante, through the project ".Marq. Museum and Memory against Alzheimer's". we offer a programme aimed at facilitating the accessibility of MARQ's collections to people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
The programme consists of guided visits to the permanent and temporary exhibitions at MARQ and workshops held at the Association itself. In the first year of this collaboration framework, a total of 10 visits were completed to the permanent galleries, the temporary exhibition and the temporary exhibition. Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the sea and They also visited the Lucentum archaeological site. In the same way, workshops were held in the facilities of the Association where they made their own cardial pottery, Roman amphorae, a Roman mosaic, etc.
This 2017 we are continuing to develop this programme, which will begin on Monday 25 September with a visit to the exhibition Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities, aThe Restoration workshop and the visitable warehouse and, of course, we will reinforce these activities with the workshops.
Both institutions also see museums as therapeutic and transformative spaces, fulfilling their social and educational role, contributing to improving the quality of life of people suffering from some kind of illness or social rejection, with specific programmes, as in this case with the initiative Marq. Museum and Memory.
From MARQ we join AFA Alicante in its claim to ensure that Alzheimer's patients continue to be considered as such and that their lack of memories does not erase the history of life... ARE STILL THEM.
Happy day