The Marq joins the International Day of Deaf People




On 30 September, the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DEAF PEOPLE is celebrated. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the recognition of Sign Language in Spain. It is a vindictive day in which deaf people make their reality visible to the world, where they express their demands in terms of rights and highlight the richness of their culture.

Since 2012, the MARQ has been collaborating with APESOA (Associació de Persones Sordes de L'Alacantí) and FESORD C.V. (Federación de personas sordes de la Comunidad Valenciana) by signing agreements whose main objective is to promote access for deaf people to the archaeological heritage that the MARQ holds. To this end, different strategies have been implemented to help them understand, know and participate in the contents of the permanent exhibition, the temporary exhibitions and the archaeological sites of the MARQ.

The actions we have carried out and which we continue to carry out today have been: "Guided tours by a deaf guide", "Dramatised visits in Sign Language", "Training courses for deaf people" and courses in sign language given by FESORD for MARQ staff.

All these projects promote equal opportunities, intercultural citizen coexistence and the involvement of the deaf community and are in line with the trend of strengthening the social function of museums, of considering them as an attentive, dynamic institution, committed to dialogue, the commitment of all and community strengthening.

We emphasise on this important day that direct knowledge of heritage centres plays an important role for deaf people in their learning process, as well as in the use and enjoyment of their leisure and free time activities.


We join in this celebration and we would like to support the whole group of deaf people with this image of the Sign Language course that we are holding at the MARQ, thanks to the agreement that the MARQ has signed with FESORD.