Yesterday, the Marq's Assembly Hall became a laboratory of fantastic experiences with the German professor Reinhard Zink, a passionate of pre-Columbian cultures and especially of Mayan symbology.
Those attending his lecture were able to enjoy his particular vision of the Mayan world through the parallelism recreated between some of the pieces in the exhibition. Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities and Zink's watercolours.
His works on the theme of "the fantastic world of the Maya" are based on images already existing in this culture, usually appearing as paintings on ceramics or as reliefs. In his paintings, the figures and scenes are modified and combined and the bright colours create a particularly magical atmosphere. In his own words, "my scientific knowledge of this culture gives me the basis to recreate and develop new scenes where the figures and actions are permeated by the Mayan spirit; people, animals, gods and spirits do not appear in isolation, but are mixed together giving the impression of representing a supernatural story".
The talk was followed by a guided tour of the exhibition, with very interesting contributions by Professor Reinhard Zink.