The president of Almirall laboratories, Jordi Gallardo, and his wife have made a lightning visit to Alicante this morning to get to know the company in detail. Mayas. The enigma of the lost citiesThe exhibition, an exhibition in which they have collaborated through the Palarq Foundation, chaired by his brother Antonio Gallardo. The Valencian archaeologists Cristina Vidal and Gaspar Muñoz, the Valencian architect and archaeologist who are directing the Spanish excavation project in La Blanca, in the heart of the Guatemalan jungle, and whose work is financed by the foundation, were also present at the Marq and at the international Mayan exhibition.
Jorge Gallardo is passionate about pre-Columbian cultures and was pleasantly surprised by the exhibition design that surrounds the magnificent pieces that make up the exhibition. For more than hours they toured the temporary rooms of the exhibition and he was particularly interested in Los Mayas de Cerca, in the Sala Noble of the Marq Library, where the main archaeological findings of the Spanish expeditions in Guatemala led by Vidal and Muñoz are on display.
Next Tuesday, 17 October, the Marq will be hosting a series of conferences entitled Los Mayas de Cerca, a series of talks that will analyse the importance of Spanish discoveries in the Mayan area in deciphering the enigmas that this fascinating civilisation still holds.