MARQ holds a marathon on Mayan culture to reveal the secrets of this civilisation to the public

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante is preparing an intense week dedicated to the Maya culture to bring the history of this mysterious civilisation to the public, with free admission. On Tuesday 17th October, various conferences will be held throughout the day in which academics and experts will discuss aspects such as the structure of this advanced society, its urban planning, its hieroglyphic writing and its painting. 

With free admission, limited to the capacity of the hall and prior registration through the following website www.reunionescientificas.marqalicante.comAt 10:30 a.m. Cristina Vidal will give a talk on 'Mayan society through art'. An hour later Gaspar Muñoz will talk about 'The splendour of Mayan architecture' and at 12:00 'Urban planning and the Mayan city' will be dissected by Nuria Matarredona and Andrea Peiró. 

Los Mayas de cerca' by Miguel Rivera at 12:40 p.m. and 'La escritura jeroglífica Maya y el arte de los escribas' at 1:15 p.m. by Ana García and Alfonso Lacadena will be some of the other talks to be given at the MARQ. 

They will be followed by 'Mayan mural painting' at four o'clock in the afternoon with María Luisa Vázquez and half an hour later Patricia Horcajada will show 'Mayan royalty in sculpture and relief'. 

Finally, the marathon on the Maya will conclude with a round table discussion in which doubts, questions, contributions and queries, both from the speakers and the audience, will be put on the table. 

'The Compass Scopula'.

Also, to complete this week on Mayan culture, 'La Escóbula de la Brújula' will record its programme from the Alicante museum on Saturday 21st October at 19:00. Admission will be free for all those who wish to watch it in situ. 

This popular radio programme is characterised by tackling different historical subjects about which, to this day, there are still unknowns and secrets to be unravelled. On this occasion, 'La Escóbula' will travel to Alicante to record a podcast dedicated to the world of the Mayas. 

MARQ continues to break visitor records after receiving around 50,000 visitors in the first months of the exhibition 'Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities' exhibition received around 50,000 people. The international exhibition, which can be seen until 7 January 2018, displays more than 200 objects, mainly from the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of Guatemala. The exceptional montage that accompanies the exhibition occupies the three temporary rooms of the Alicante museum with such outstanding remains as the sculpture of a man with jaguar attributes, a jade mask or stelae, plates and incense burners.