MARQ hosts an international conference on new advances in the knowledge of European Prehistory



Set of artefacts from the Nebra Disk find, Bronze Age, ca. 1600 BC (photo: ©State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt, Juraj Lipták)


The MARQ will host the international conference tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. New Perspectives on the Prehistory of Europe'. which will bring together the contributions of fifteen expert researchers. The meeting will bring to the table the latest findings about the emergence of the complex social structures and early states on the continent, as well as the changing role of violence in its genesis and development.

The congress, coordinated by Drs. Jorge A. Soler, Juan A. López and Robert Rischis organised by the Alicante museum and has the collaboration of the State Museum of Prehistory Halle. Both the region of Central Germany as well as South East Spain are pioneers in this type of research, combining the systematic excavation of large-scale necropolises and settlements with bio-archaeological programmes specifically designed.

Given the methodological similarities The aim of the joint working sessions is to examine the challenges faced by research teams in both countries and to promote the development of a common research agenda for both countries. potential of the methodologies appliedand, on the other hand, to discuss and thereby improve the various interpretative proposals. The interest of this joint effort has crystallised in the holding of this conference in Alicante, which will be reflected next year in a similar meeting to be held in Halle. The publication resulting from these bilateral conferences It will be a cornerstone for the future of archaeology in Europe and will offer the international public a new perspective on the Recent prehistory.


The speakers are such prominent historians and scientists as Ernst PernickaProfessor of Archaeometry at the Institute for Geosciences at the University of Heidelberg; Harald MellerDirector of the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle; Susanne FriederichHead of the Department of Archaeology at the Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology; François BertemesProfessor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Institute of Art History and European Archaeology at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg; and Kurt AltProfessor at the Private Danube University in Krems, Austria.


On the other hand, the Spanish researchers taking part in this congress are the professors of Prehistory of the UA. F. Javier Jover and Alberto Lorrio; Juan Antonio López and Consuelo Roca de Togoresmembers of the MARQ technical team, Jorge A. SolerCurator of Prehistory and Director of the MARQ's Exhibitions and Dissemination Unit; Mauro S. Hernándezprofessor of Prehistory at the UA; as well as Rafael Micó and Roberto RischProfessor and lecturer in Prehistory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and members of the Mediterranean Archaeology Research Group.