The Marq participates in the MAN curators' conferences

The Marq will be present at the conference under the title of 150 years of a profession: From Antiquarian to Conservator, organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the National Archaeological Museum itself from today until Friday 17 November at the MAN.  Replica Watches

Manuel Olcina, technical director of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, will take part in the round table at 12 noon on Thursday, which will analyse the national, regional, provincial and local models of the profession today.

The MAN has programmed this series of conferences on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Museum and the creation of the current Faculty of Museum Curators, with the aim of reviewing the historical evolution of this group and analysing its main present and future challenges.

The National Archaeological Museum is temporarily exhibiting the Roman Hand of Lucentum, one of the Marq's archaeological treasures, in its rooms in the exhibition The power of the past. 150 years of archaeology in Spain.