Tickets are now on sale to enjoy the concert of Stile Vocale. Coro de Voces Blancas de Alicante, for the benefit of the Sociedad San Vicente de Paul Alicante-Obra social Federico Ozanam.
The charity recital will take place on Saturday 2 December at 7 p.m. in the Salón de Actos of the Marq and tickets can be purchased from the Ozanam Association, from the Coro Stile Vocale, through its members, at its headquarters in the Concatedral de San Nicolás or directly at the Marq on the day of the concert. The Asociación Cuéntame Alicante, organiser of this charity event, has also set up a Fila 0 in the Ozanam account ES92 0049 5549 8925 1641 8868, indicating "Donativo Concierto".
The San Vicente de Paúl Society has been working in Alicante since 1857, helping children from vulnerable families and since 2005 it has been running an After-School Support Project in the Carolinas neighbourhood and coordinating two social projects aimed at accompanying elderly people living alone and helping families at risk of social exclusion. It is one of the charitable organisations with the longest track record and international presence, helping more than 37 million people around the world and is present in the main international organisations for the defence of human rights and dignity, such as UNESCO, the UN, or the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, the executive body of the Church dedicated to human and Christian promotion through charity and support for the needy.
The white voice choir Stile Vocale was founded in 2016 in Alicante by Julia Alonso, Ana Castillo and its director Sabina Martínez Boj, with the aim of meeting and enjoying music; the choir has 20 voices and a repertoire ranging from religious music for liturgical events to Christmas carols, including classical and popular songs.
Tickets are now on sale to enjoy the concert of Stile Vocale. Coro de Voces Blancas de Alicante, for the benefit of the Sociedad San Vicente de Paul Alicante-Obra social Federico Ozanam.
The charity recital will take place on Saturday 2 December at 7 p.m. in the Salón de Actos of the Marq and tickets can be purchased from the Ozanam Association, from the Coro Stile Vocale, through its members, at its headquarters in the Concatedral de San Nicolás or directly at the Marq on the day of the concert. The Asociación Cuéntame Alicante, organiser of this charity event, has also set up a Fila 0 in the Ozanam account ES92 0049 5549 8925 1641 8868, indicating "Donativo Concierto".
The San Vicente de Paúl Society has been working in Alicante since 1857, helping children from vulnerable families and since 2005 it has been running an After-School Support Project in the Carolinas neighbourhood and coordinating two social projects aimed at accompanying elderly people living alone and helping families at risk of social exclusion. It is one of the charitable organisations with the longest track record and international presence, helping more than 37 million people around the world and is present in the main international organisations for the defence of human rights and dignity, such as UNESCO, the UN, or the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, the executive body of the Church dedicated to human and Christian promotion through charity and support for the needy.
The white voice choir Stile Vocale was founded in 2016 in Alicante by Julia Alonso, Ana Castillo and its director Sabina Martínez Boj, with the aim of meeting and enjoying music; the choir has 20 voices and a repertoire ranging from religious music for liturgical events to Christmas carols, including classical and popular songs.
For the benefit of SSVP Alicante-Federico Ozanam Social Work
Assembly Hall of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante MARQ
2 December, 19h
Organised by: Asociación Cuéntame Alicante (ACA)
Collaborators: CV-MARQ Foundation, Archaeological Museum of Alicante, Alicante Provincial Council, Stile Vocale and Voces blancas de Alicante Choir.
Dona Nobis Pacem
(M.L. Lightfoot)
Cubanita Preciosa
(Habanera Popular. Arrangement Manuel M. Guirao)
Hail Mary
(Xavier Sarasola)
What a wonderful world
(Arrangement Mark A. Brymer)
O Mio Babbino caro
The very best time of year
(John Rutter)
Bells of the Mosque
(Ramón Medina-Arreglo Fran Baraja)
Kyrie (Little Jazz Mas)
(Bob Chilcott)
Christmas time begins with him
(T. Strang)
Guest Soprano: Nuria Maddolini Girona
Pianist: Ana Castillo Martínez
AddressSabina Martínez Boj