This year the MARQ's project 'A fairytale hospital' brings the Mayan civilisation closer to the General of Alicante.



Once again this year the CV-MARQ Foundation has set up, in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública de la Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health) and the Alicante General University Hospital,patek philippe replica watches the project A fairytale hospital which this year will focus on the Mayan civilisation. The initiative aims to bring children hospitalised at the General Hospital of Alicante closer to the Mayan civilisation. heritage legacy that the museum treasures and create a common working space to make their long stay in the health centre more pleasant.

 In this way, and after learning of the Prehistory and the Iberians in previous editions, this school year will revolve around the Mesoamerican culture to delve deeper into the features that define it: writing, the calendar, the pyramid temples and the ball game. The new proposal starts in parallel with the exhibition Maya. The enigma of the lost cities', which can be visited at MARQ until 7 January 2018.

In addition, to round off the programme, the following has been installed in the classroom of Paediatrics a magnificent pyramid that the children will decorate to their liking and that provides the perfect environment so that every Wednesday until next May, various activities will take place, such as workshops, talks, games, dramatised visits or costume making. Through this complete programme, children will be able to discover the enigmas of one of the most important millenary civilisations and interesting of humankind while enjoying a pleasant experience of the most mysterious and play and learning.