The Marq shines at the Emporia awards gala



Mayas. The Enigma of the Lost Citiesthe star international exhibition of the MARQ's programme of activities this year, will shine with its own light this evening in Barcelona during the Emporia Awards 2017. National Awards of Ephemeral Architecture, which in this edition have distinguished with the "Emporia de Oro" to the avant-garde design made by Rocamora Arquitectura for this great exhibition of the MARQ in the category of Best Assembly of a non-travelling ephemeral exhibition. 

In the words of the competition jury "the ephemeral architecture here reinforces the exhibits and facilitates their intense enjoyment, constructing an emotional and powerful scenography. The 3 rooms construct a scenographic discourse that takes us to the streets of Tikal, to the interior of its pyramids and, finally, submerges us under the sheet of water of a mythological cenote".

Ángel Rocamora expressed his satisfaction at being awarded such a prestigious prize: "the set of pieces in the Mayan exhibition at the MARQ is spectacular, of the highest historical quality, with an aesthetic charge to match. So the challenge of designing a scenographic support for this group of pieces was a complicated exercise, as well as an exciting one. What has materialised in the project that can be visited at the MARQ is a setting for the senses, visual, sound, tactile, olfactory... that complement the visit and accompany the pieces, and an exceptional technical discourse, at the forefront of research and rigorous, that reaches the public in a more complex way, but at the same time in a more permeable, powerful and attractive way".

The awards ceremony, now in its fifth year, will take place this evening at 6 p.m. at the Emporia Forum.

Mayas. The enigma of the lost citiescan be visited at the Marq until 7 January.