Today, Monday, 27 November, is Teacher's Day in Spain. Although the name day of the patron saint of teachers, San José de Calasanz, is commemorated on 25 August, since the middle of the 20th century it was decided to move the festivity to 27 November.
The pedagogue and priest José de Calasanz is considered a precursor of modern pedagogy. He organised and systematised school education by levels and cycles of education from primary school up to vocational training. Calasanz was in favour of maintaining Latin in the learning of pupils, together with the usual language of his country in Catholic Europe, which would contribute to the universalisation of education, of which he was a great advocate.
The Marq, Replica Handbags Aware of the formative and educational role of museums today, it carries out extraordinary educational work in collaboration with schools, workshops, visits, educational projects, teacher training days, and a host of initiatives aimed at bringing children and young people closer to the history of Alicante and distant civilisations through knowledge of our historical and cultural heritage.