MARQ collaborates in the dissemination of Catral's heritage


This afternoon the permanent collection "La Villa de Catral a través del tiempo" will be inaugurated in the Municipal Public Library of Catral, in commemoration of the 277th anniversary of the concession of the Royal Privilege of Village to the municipality of Alicante.

The MARQ has actively participated in this exhibition, by virtue of the agreement signed between the MARQ Foundation, Catral Town Council and the Castrum Alto Association, providing advice and assistance coordinated by the archaeologist and exhibitions technician Mª Teresa Ximénez de Embún.

The collaboration of the MARQ has consisted of both the historical interpretation of the ensemble housed in Catral and the advice on the exhibition material: graphic documentation, the model of exhibition in showcases or preventive conservation and the creation of dissemination elements, such as brochures and images of the exhibition.