The MARQ on the International Day of the Hospitalised Child




Today was the Day of the Hospitalised Child at the General Hospital of Alicante. For this day, the Paediatrics Service and the Hospital Pedagogical Unit have organised different events in which, together with other entities and volunteers, our mascot Llumiq has participated.

Today the medical centre was full of songs, dances, banners, balloons and hundreds of round kisses surrounded by the children, the friends of PayaSOSpital, the San Roque de Alcoy School and all the professionals of the Hospital. All of them, together with our mascot Llumiq, danced to the official song of this great day "Un beso redondo" by Conchita.

The MARQ Foundation has been collaborating with the Paediatrics Service and the Hospital Pedagogical Unit of the General Hospital of Alicante since 2013 with the project "A fairytale Hospital". An initiative that allows children to cTo learn about societies and their culture through the heritage legacy left to us by the men and women of the past, creating a common working space between the museum and the hospital for the benefit of sick children to make their stay in the medical centre more pleasant.

This year we have dedicated it to the temporary exhibition "Mayas. The enigma of the lost cities" and once a week from September to June, the museum goes there for educational workshops, dramatised visits and storytelling, among other activities.

In this way, MARQ does its bit to help children experience hospital admission as something more than just a sanitary space, where wonderful things happen that could not happen in any other way or that they would hardly have experienced in other circumstances.