The MARQ has said goodbye this weekend Petrer. Archaeology and MuseumThe thirteenth edition of the cycle of local and municipal exhibitions at the Marq, which has accompanied us since 21 February last. During these three intense months, nearly 14,000 people (a total of 13,853) have come to our headquarters in the Plaza del Doctor Gómez Ulla to learn about the rich heritage of the town of Petreres. An exhibition that has brought together outstanding historical pieces from the local Dámaso Navarro Museum, such as the Roman mosaic of Villa Petraria or the Islamic plasterwork of the Puça farmhouse.
In its last weekend of exhibition, the 661 visitors to the MARQ were able to participate in up to nine free guided tours between Saturday and Sunday, which took them to the oldest settlement of Petrer, in the Neolithic period, and led them through more than 2,000 years of history to reach the contemporary era, showing not only the archaeological remains of Petrer, but also its history, traditions and popular festivals.