MARQ joins Doning



Yesterday the MARQ assembly hall was the venue for the presentation of the blood donation marathon organised by the ASISA branch in Alicante which, under the slogan "In the service of life" #PracticaElDoning, will be held at MARQ on 14 June, International Blood Donor Day. In an altruistic and supportive province such as Alicante, it is also important to remember that with the simple gesture of donating a small part of our blood we can save lives.

The initiative, organised together with the Transfusion Centre of the Valencian Community, breitling replica watches has the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Alicante, the three mutual insurance companies for civil servants (Muface, Mugeju and Isfas), the Special Operations Command (MOE) of the Spanish Army, the Civil Guard, the Government Subdelegation, the Territorial Directorate of the Regional Ministry of Health, Alicante City Council, the National Police, the College of Doctors of Alicante and the Federation of Bonfires of San Juan. In addition, the chef Pepe Rodríguez, head of the jury of the television programme MasterChef, wanted to collaborate with the marathon and has prepared a succulent sandwich of cereal bread, olive oil, tomato, fresh cheese, anchovies and rocket, with which all the donors will be able to replenish their strength after the act of solidarity of donating blood on the 14th.

The presentation of the event was attended by the Deputy for Culture, César Augusto Asencio, the ASISA representative in Alicante, Paula Giménez, the Mayor of the city, Luis Barcala, the Regional Director of Health, Encarna Llinares, the Head of the Haematology and Haemodynamics Service of the Alicante Transfusion Centre, Mabel Ortiz de Salazar, and the chef Pepe Rodríguez. Also in the MARQ auditorium was the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortés.

The head chef and owner of the restaurant El Bohío, Pepe Rodríguez, wanted to take advantage of his stay in Alicante to visit the galleries of the MARQ on a short guided tour.