The MARQ is preparing to serve as a base camp for the children in the fourth year of primary school at the Eusebio Sempere Public School in Alicante. The winner of the annual competition held among the schoolchildren participating in the Educational Projects designed by the MARQ Foundation's Didactic Unit, with "The toothache of the Mayan queen".
As a reward for their work, this Monday they will be able to enjoy a night full of adventures at MARQ, with animated visits to the permanent exhibition, workshops, games and a fun dinner in the garden. Undoubtedly, a night full of emotions that will end with a nutritious breakfast.
The Night at the Museum is an initiative that the MARQ Foundation launched in 2013 and in which each school year, nearly 900 students from different schools throughout the province participate.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, this nocturnal visit will be made by the 1st ESO students from IES Miguel Hernández in Alicante, who have been awarded this experience for their exceptional project "The Lolnai Alphabet".
In the Infant Education category, the San Gabriel Public School was the winner for its project "Mayas"; these children will come to MARQ next year to carry out a wide range of activities completely free of charge.