The campaign 'Summer at MARQ' kicks off for the 14th consecutive year matching with the introduction of summer opening hours both in the museum and in the sites and monuments of the province. The initiative will focus on prehistoric times, coinciding with the exhibition 'Rupestrian. The first sanctuaries' that, on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Declaration of the Cave Art of the Mediterranean Arc as a World Heritage Site, will be inaugurated on 5 July.
As the deputy for Culture explained, César Augusto AsencioThe main objective of this proposal is to disseminate among young people the latest interpretations of rock art in the Valencian Community and, in particular, in the province of Alicante, an important part of the rock art of the Mediterranean Arc of the Iberian Peninsula within the select list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It should be borne in mind that the north of our territory is a world reference point for certain periods of prehistory".
The Fundación Comunitat Valenciana MARQ has programmed eight weeks full of activities, between 2 July and 24 August, from Monday to Friday and from 9:00 to 14:00 hours. As a novelty this year, there are two types of registration: a weekly one with the same price as last year, 35 euros, and another fortnightly one for 60 euros; there is also a reduction for the second registered sibling.
All the activities will take place at MARQ with visits to the galleries, workshops in the didactic classrooms and games in the gardens. A summer programme designed for a maximum of 50 children aged 6 to 14. For this edition, in addition, a canteen service will be offered, through BARQ, with a special menu for the participants of the campaign from 14:00 to 15:00 hours.
"The schoolchildren will be able to spend a fun summer holiday, working in teams while learning to identify and value the successive encounters between cultures throughout history," said Asencio. Through this project, they will have the opportunity to recognise the role of archaeology as a vehicle for historical knowledge, as well as to value and protect the historical, cultural, environmental and archaeological heritage of the province. They will also learn about the methods of research into rock art and how to visit a cultural institution with respect and make the most of it.
Reservations can be made at the MARQ ticket offices or through instanticket. All information can be found at