UNESCO recognises the exhibition Rupestre. The First Sanctuaries

The Spanish Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO has today, 15 June, granted its patronage to what will be the great exhibition of 2018 at MARQ: Rupestrian. The First Sanctuaries. An exhibition that has obtained double recognition from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, as it will also display the World Heritage logo awarded by this organisation in its credits.

With this new recognition, the MARQ dresses up to welcome Rupestre. The curators of this exhibition, Jorge Soler, Virginia Barciela and Rafael Pérez, have, since last May, been immersed in the adaptation of the temporary rooms of the Museum that will receive the 250 pieces of the exhibition. Rupestre from 19 museums across the country.

The architectural design project has been drawn up by Ángel Rocamora and will lead us through our First Art from Altamira to the macro-schematic art shelters of the Pla de Petracos in Castells and envelops us in the evocative and mysterious atmosphere of man's first artistic representations.   

In 1998 UNESCO included the Cave Art of the Mediterranean Arc of the Iberian Peninsula in its prestigious list of World Heritage Sites and in commemoration of this event, the exhibition Rupestrian. The first sanctuarieswith which the MARQ pays its own particular tribute to four decades of research, conservation and enhancement of rock art in our province.

This exhibition is part of the 2018 Exhibition Programme approved by the MARQ Foundation Board of Trustees in an extraordinary session on 12 July 2017 and its budget, ratified in the session of the same body in November of the same year. An exhibition that would not have been possible without the invaluable collaboration of the Diputación de Alicante, the Fundación Caja Murcia, Asisa, La Caixa and Museumspartner.