The MARQ offers an extraordinary journey through prehistoric art in Alicante with the new exhibition


The Archaeological Museum of Alicante pays its own particular tribute to four decades of research, conservation and enhancement of the prehistoric art in the province with the new exhibition proposal 'Rupestre. The first sanctuaries'.. The exhibition, which will open on next 5 Julywill bring together 250 pieces from 19 museums national and local. 

In 1998 the UNESCO included the Cave Art of the Mediterranean Arc of the Iberian Peninsula in its prestigious list of World Heritage. Now, twenty years later, the MARQ commemorates that date with a unique exhibition on our First Art. The deputy for Culture, César Augusto AsencioThis morning he presented all the details of this new proposal that "will take the visitor on an extraordinary journey through our First Art, from Altamira to the macro-schematic art shelters of the Pla de Petracos in Castells. The Diputación de Alicante is once again committed to an original and solid project that will bring together unique pieces in an unprecedented exhibition".

The event, which took place at the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid, was also attended by the director of this centre, Andrés Carreterothe technical director of MARQ, Manuel OlcinaThe managing director of the same, José Alberto Cortésas well as the curators of the exhibition, the director of exhibitions at the Alicante museum, Jorge Solerthe archaeologist and professor of Prehistory at the University of Alicante, Virginia Barciela, y the director of the Architecture Department of the Provincial Council, Rafael Pérez.

 "Exhibiting the quality of the cave paintings was a real challenge and the casts of the main sites in Alicante made by the Centre d'Estudis Contestans will allow the public to contemplate the paintings in their real size, as well as to understand the process and method of their creation. This is a unique opportunity to contemplate the origins of our material culture which, moreover, is deeply rooted in the province of Alicante with important sites and relevant pieces that are part of our rich historical heritage," said Asencio.

More from eight hundred square metresdivided into three roomsThe exhibition will offer visitors the opportunity to delve into the rock art of both the province and other outstanding sites in the country. The original and meticulous exhibition design starts with a nod to the Caves of Altamira to display the Palaeolithic art through panels and pieces of movable art from the north and centre of the Iberian Peninsula, including the so-called Jarama Glutton or the Villalba plaque. In addition to this selection, there is another selection from sites in the Comunitat Valenciana, such as the Parpalló Cave in Gandía or the whole of the Tossal de la Roca de La Vall d'Alcalà (Tossal de la Roca de La Vall d'Alcalà). This FIRST ROOM culminates in a powerful graphic and audiovisual image of the three sanctuaries in Alicante: the Cova Fosca and the Cova del Reinós in La Vall d'Ebo and the Cova del Comte in Pedreguer.

The second stayThe project, centred on the Pla de Petracos, will record the essence of the Neolithic and Macro-Schematic ArtThis is a unique style that has only been recorded in the province of Alicante and whose main representation is human figures and geometric motifs. The tracings of the main prehistoric sites located in the Alicante mountains will be accompanied by the vase with the orante from the Cova de l'Or, from the Museum of Alcoy.  

Finally, the third room concentrates the documentation of more than twenty enclaves and is dedicated to the Levantine Art and Schematic Art which, in part of their development, were synchronous. This space will exhibit unique pieces from different local and national museums, such as the glass of Costamar.

Rupestre. The first sanctuaries' will culminate with an evocation of the influence of the Prehistoric Art in Contemporary Art with the work of Miquel Barceló, The painter in Bologna (1983), as the main focus. In this sense, the exhibition includes other calls for artistic creation, such as a mural of Dionisio Gázquez and the screening of a short film directed by the latter and by Alberto Hernández.

It is also worth noting that soundscapes of the halls created by the renowned composer from Alicante Luis Ivars and the accessibility resources The exhibition is open to all audiences. Easy readingThe exhibition is displayed both on the panels and in the educational guide for schoolchildren, 3D reproductions and interpreter points are some of the means installed "to ensure that culture and knowledge reach all the groups present in our society", as the deputy explained.

The project, which until next January will show the essence of prehistoric art in the province of Alicante, has been carried out with the collaboration of Asisa, Cajamurcia, La Caixa and Museums Partner.