MARQ : A summer of adventures

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Learning. To have fun. Working in a team. Get closer to archaeology. Learn about the history of Alicante. All this and many more surprises await the children who participate in the campaign. Summer at the MARQ, an initiative that week after week proposes to 50 schoolchildren between 6 and 14 years old, to start the adventure of going back thousands of years, to find out how the first settlers of our land lived and to get closer to the great exhibition Rupestrian. The First Sanctuaries.    

The MARQ CV Foundation has programmed a Summer full of activities, which will last until 24 August. From Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 2 pm. As a novelty, at the request of many parents, this year there are two types of registration: weekly, as always, with the same price as last year, ie €35 and another fortnightly, for €60; with a reduction for the second sibling enrolled.

Reservations can be made at the MARQ ticket offices or through instanticket. All information is available at