Once again this year, the Plan for Commitment and Continuous Improvement in Quality The MARQ's Tourism Committee has been certified by the Assessment Committee, which met a few days ago, thus renewing the SICTED Quality Certification awarded by Turespaña in 2014 to the CV-MARQ Foundation.
Among the aspects most highly valued by the Committee is the award of the European Year of Cultural Heritage Seal for the MARQ's programme of activities in 2018. In the same way, the high rate of collaboration of the Alicante centre with tourist destination establishments (including hotels and restaurants), through the MARQ IMPRESCINDIBLE campaign for the promotion of visits to the museum.
Since 2014 the MARQ has had this SICTED Distinction - Tourism Quality Commitment, a quality certification awarded by Turespaña. The Valencian Community leads the national ranking in number of distinctions 'Commitment to Tourism Quality' with a total of 844 distinguished tourist services, which represent almost 15% of those awarded internationally.