On 14th August 2009, the Almohad Tower of Almudaina, a monument from the Islamic period that formed part of the fortified enclosure of the small existing farmhouse, then known as "al-Mudayyina", from which the current name of the town derives, was opened to the public for the first time. To celebrate this anniversary, next Tuesday 14th August, the monument can be visited free of charge, during its usual opening hours, in the morning from 9:00h to 13:00h and in the afternoon, from 18:00h to 21:00h.
After the declaration of BIC, Bien de Interés Cultural, with the category of monument, best replica watches by the Almudaina Town Council, the Provincial Council of Alicante acquired the tower for its preservation. In 1999, the Department of Architecture undertook its restoration and enhancement, and the MARQ Foundation was entrusted with its management. The restoration carried out on the tower and its surroundings allows us to understand, through the traces found in its walls, the curious technique used in its construction and the after-effects of the changes suffered in its eight hundred years of history. A "site museum" to introduce the visitor to the knowledge and enjoyment of its architecture and landscape.
Almudaina is located in the interior of the province of Alicante, in the mountainous region of El Comtat, 587 metres above sea level. It is a small farming village of just over a hundred inhabitants, whose history is linked to the Almohad Islamic tower erected, at an undetermined time in the first half of the 13th century, to defend its small farmhouse on the eve of the Christian conquest.