Participants in the International Colloquium Rupture and Continuity of the Classical City Street Map in the Transit from the High Empire to Late Antiquity, organised by the MARQ in collaboration with the University of Murcia and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, ended this morning with what archaeologists call a Field Trip, a technical visit to the site of Tossal de Manises, the ancient Roman town of LucentumThe conference, given by Manuel Olcina, technical director of the Alicante museum, allowed them to analyse in situ the traces and vestiges of the evolution of the route of the road, one of the most important archaeological sites in our region, owned by the Diputación de Alicante, which is part of the network of sites and monuments managed by the MARQ. This "in situ" presentation, given by Manuel Olcina, technical director of the Alicante museum, allowed them to analyse on the ground the traces and vestiges of the evolution of the road layout of Lucentum.