Doctor in History and archaeologist Julián Martínez García and the Director General of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Junta de Andalucía, Marcelino Sánchez Ruiz, visit the MARQ and the Temporary Exhibition RUPESTRE.


The doctor in History and archaeologist Julián Martínez García and the Director General of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Junta de Andalucía, Marcelino Sánchez Ruiz, visit the MARQ and the Temporary Exhibition RUPESTRE with two of its curators, Drs. Virginia Barciela and Jorge Soler. 

RUPESTRE, is the Central Exhibition of 2018 at the MARQ, with which the Alicante museum pays tribute to 40 years of research in our First Art, in happy coincidence with the 20th Anniversary of the Declaration by UNESCO of World Heritage, next December 5th. 19 museums in our country have collaborated in this exhibition with pieces as outstanding as the Neolithic Vase from the Cova de l'Or in Beniarrés or the internationally renowned Parpalló Plaque, which share a showcase with the original tracings of paintings from the most outstanding shelters, caves and sites in Alicante, on loan from the Centre d'Estudis Contestans. They coexist with the Contemporary Art of Miquel Barceló in an intentional wink to the plastic expression of man throughout history from its origins to the present day. With a spectacular exhibition design by the architects Rafael Pérez and Ángel Rocamora. It is the most important exhibition event in our province in 2018, which has been enjoyed by more than 80,000 people since it opened its doors on 5 July.

Equipped with accessibility resources suitable for all audiences, guided, dramatised and inclusive visits. With a Catalogue compendium of 40 years of research of high scientific and academic rigour; a Didactic Guide and training material for schoolchildren and another for Teachers with which to work both in the Halls and in the Classrooms, beyond the end of RUPESTRE on 5 January 2019.