MARQ already smells like Christmas


Everything is ready for Christmas to be unforgettable in the MARQ, tomorrow from 18.30 hours our Garden will be filled with illusion waiting for the lighting of the tree at 19.00 hours, by the Deputy of Culture and Education, César Augusto Asencio, and also workshops, children's games, the chestnut tree, the wishing well, Christmas choir ... and a host of activities for the whole family.

On Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th December, the Tossal de Manises archaeological site will be the protagonist of the event as it commemorates the Roman history of our city. From 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., the Third Lucentum Reviviscit Historical Recreation Days will take place, to take us, from the hand of the Women's Wrist Watches of Roman Hispania, to the daily life of Roman Alicante.

From the 26th, our programme revolves around the youngest members of the family: for them we have designed educational workshops, games, theatre and animated visits to the temporary exhibitions RUPESTRE and PLASTIHISTORIA.

These days are also a good time to show our most charitable side, as all the activities offered by the MARQ are free, we ask families to collaborate with the Alicante Food Bank and, when registering for the workshops, the animated visits or the children's theatre, to deposit a kilo of any non-perishable food in the "tub" prepared for this purpose at the entrance to the ticket office.

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