MARQ welcomes 2019 with Open Doors

If 2018, European Year of Cultural Heritage, was a very special year for the MARQ, this new 2019 is going to be even more so. Thus, when on 3 December, the Board of Trustees of its Foundation unanimously approved its Action Plan and Programme of Activities for 2019, it emphasised not only its role as a great cultural promoter with the incorporation of the Ministry of Culture to its highest governing body, but also its role as a benchmark in heritage tourism with the award of the Q for Tourism Quality, being the first museum in Spain to have this distinction. Something that the people of Alicante already knew and which has now been recognised throughout the country. And what better way to celebrate it than by opening its doors on the 4th and 5th of January to bid farewell to the exhibition "RUPESTRE. The First Sanctuaries", to join the more than eighty thousand visitors who have visited it since it opened on 5 July and who have undoubtedly made it one of the most outstanding cultural events of 2018, coinciding with the 20th Anniversary of the Declaration of World Heritage of the entire group of Rock Art of the Mediterranean Arc and with which the MARQ has wanted to "pay tribute to more than 40 years of research into the Prehistory of our Province", in the words of its President César Sánchez. 

To consult the detailed programme and timetable