This year the Alicante Provincial Council will enable the Interpretation Centre of the cave art sites in Vall de GallineraThis action will complete the project for the revaluation and museumisation of these areas, which were declared World Heritage Sites in 1998.
The president of the provincial institution, César SánchezThis morning, he visited the municipality and went to the sets of cave paintings at Benialí and Benirrama to learn about the actions to improve the accesses and musealisation that the provincial institution has undertaken over the last two years to develop the project.
This is the result of the agreement signed with the City Council in which different actions were contemplated to be carried out in different phases between 2017, 2018 and 2019, with a provincial investment of 110,000 euros.
Sánchez, who was accompanied by the mayor of the municipality, Antonio Pardoand by the deputy for architecture, Jaume LloretHe pointed out that "for the Diputación it is a priority to conserve and enhance our heritage so that it forms part of our cultural and tourist offer", while stressing "that the natural, heritage and cultural wealth of La Vall de Gallinera is extraordinary and forms part of the hallmarks of the province of Alicante".
For their part, both Lloret and the head of the Architecture Department of the provincial institution, Rafael Pérez, have stressed that this is a multidisciplinary action, in which MARQ has also participated, and which has so far included actions such as the adaptation and improvement of the access paths to the shelters, the installation of surveillance systems, the improvement of observation platforms and the creation and installation of information supports.
For 2019 the agreement has programmed, within the framework of the agreement, the design, layout, production and installation of information panels on the itineraries of the footpaths on the heritage and landscape values, the provision and adaptation of a Visitor Reception Centre or Interpretation Centre for the rock shelters.The aim of the exhibition, which will be installed in the town hall of La Vall de Gallinera, is to make the route and its contents known, as well as the development of a cultural dissemination and dynamisation programme.
Lloret recalled that this project, along with others promoted by the institution in different regions of the province, is part of the Diputación's commitment to "promote the creation of tourist corridors that allow inland municipalities to benefit from the tourists and visitors who come to the coast of Alicante".