Rupestre, Silver Emporia 2018



 The MARQ exhibition "Rupestre. The First Sanctuaries" exhibition has just been awarded the Emporia de Plata 2018 in the category of best installation of a non-travelling ephemeral exhibition, designed by Rocamora Arquitectura and architect Rafael Pé The Spanish National Awards for Architecture and Ephemeral Decoration select the best works carried out in Spain in 2018 by architects, decorators, designers, agencies, specialised companies and other professionals. A distinction already received by the MARQ in 2017 for the assembly of Mayas. The mystery of the lost citiesThe Emporia de Oro, also designed by the team of the architect Ángel Rocamora, was awarded the Emporia de Oro.


The exhibition design of Rupestre began in its first room with a nod to the Altamira Caves to show Palaeolithic art through panels and pieces of movable art from the north and centre of the peninsula, accompanied by the Neolithic vase with the orante from the Cova de l'Or in Beniarrés, from the Museum of Alcoy; The second visit focused on the Pla de Petracos, to show the essence of the Neolithic and Macro-schematic Art in this main enclave of Prehistory in Alicante. The casts of the main prehistoric sites located in the Alicante mountains, true works of art created by the Centre d'Estudis Contestans, were interspersed with the works of movable art as pieces in the exhibition; finally, the third room concentrated the documentation of more than twenty sites and was dedicated to Levantine Art and Schematic Art with unique pieces from different local and national museums, such as the Costamar vase. 

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Rupestrian. The first sanctuariesThe exhibition culminated with an evocation of the influence of Prehistoric Art on Contemporary Art with the work of Miquel Barceló, Il pittore a Bologna (1983), as the main theme, a proposal that was developed, in the farewell section of the exhibition, by the Alicante artist Dionisio Gázquez with his 'Rupestre versus Contemporáneo' (Cave versus Contemporary). Also noteworthy are the soundscapes of the rooms created by the renowned Alicante composer Luis Ivars and the accessibility resources provided to open this exhibition to all audiences. 

Rupestre accompanied us from 5 July 2018 to 5 January 2019 and was visited by more than 85,000 people.