The DIM 2019 calls for the interaction of museums with society


The Alicante museums that form part of the MUSEA platform, including the MARQ, met this morning at the Museum of the University of Alicante MUA, to draw up the first lines of work for the celebration of IWD 2019, International Museum Day, which is celebrated every 18 May and which, on this occasion, brings forward its activities to Friday 17 and until Sunday 19 May.

International Museum Day 2019 will focus on the new roles of museums as active players in their communities. The role of museums in society is changing, they are reinventing themselves to become more interactive, flexible, adaptable and mobile, audience-centred and community-oriented. They have become cultural hubs that function as platforms where creativity is combined with knowledge and where visitors can co-create, share and interact. For this reason, the theme chosen for International Museum Day 2019 is "Museums as cultural hubs: The future of traditions".