The book La Pobla de Ifach (Calp, Alicante). 10 años de arqueología medieval en el Penyal d'Ifac (2005-2015), published by the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, collects the scientific results of the first ten years of research in this medieval enclave located on the slope of the Peñón de Ifach and founded at the beginning of the 14th century by the Calabrian admiral Ruggero di Lauria. This was recalled this afternoon by the deputy for Culture, César Augusto Asencio, during the presentation of the publication, which is the eighth issue of the collection 'Excavaciones Arqueológicas del MARQ' (Archaeological Excavations of the MARQ).
Throughout more than four hundred pages, sixteen authors from universities such as Alicante, Valencia, Thessaloniki and Cadiz offer a constructive, material and environmental record of this site, considered one of the benchmarks in the study of medieval archaeology in the province of Alicante and the Valencian Community. The event, which took place in the MARQ Library, was attended by the technical director of the museum, Manuel Olcina, the director of the Museu d'Història de València, Javier Martí Oltra, and the director of the excavations at Pobla de Ifach and coordinator of the work, Jose Luis Menéndez.