Fascinating Iranian culture awaits us at MARQ

Frenetic activity in the temporary galleries of the MARQ. As is usually the case every time an exhibition of the international relevance of the Iran. Cradle of CivilisationsIn the hours leading up to its opening to the public, maintenance, cleaning, security and, on this occasion, many technical specialists, both from the National Museum of Iran and MARQ, supervised every detail of the installation.

The director of the National Museum of Iran in Tehran, Jebrael Nokandeh, is already in Alicante and has been received at the MARQ by the managing director of the Foundation, José Alberto Cortés. After visiting the three halls that will house the 200 pieces that make up this fascinating exhibition, he wanted to see first hand the technical areas of the MARQ and also its permanent collection.

Dr. Nokandeh will give a lecture this afternoon in the MARQ Auditorium under the title Archaeology in Iran. The collections of the National Museum of Iran and tomorrow, Thursday, he will take part in the opening ceremony of the new MARQ exhibition, together with the President of the Provincial Council, César Sánchez, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Spain, Hassan Ghashghavi, and the directors of the Drents Museum, Harry Tupan, and the MARQ, Manuel Olcina.