The narrow relations between Spain and Iran among the 16th and 17th centuries will be the focus of tomorrow's conference hosted by the MARQ as part of the parallel activities of the international exhibition on the heritage of ancient Persia. The Spanish Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Eduardo López Busquetsand the director of the Permanent Seminar of Iranology at the University of Alicante, Professor José Cutillas Ferrerwill give the talk, which will start at 6.30 p.m. in the museum's assembly hall.
"Spain and Safavid Iran: Fascination and Diplomacy in the Age of Great Empires". is the title of this proposal, which will be complemented with the signing of copies by Professor Cutillas of his latest book 'Eastern Europe, Safavid Persia and the Iberian World'..
Inaugurated on 14 March, "Iran, Cradle of Civilisations is an ambitious exhibition that traces the trajectory of one of the world's most important most remote and prolific cultures of history through 196 pcs.many from sites that are World Heritage. In addition to this initiative, a complementary exhibition can also be visited until 1 September. Spain and Iran at the time of the Great Empires"."which, curated by José Luis Menéndez and José Cutillas, deals with the diplomatic ties between the two countries during the reign of the Habsburgs and the Safavid Empire.