The children of the Globalón Foundation discover MARQ


Yesterday, thanks to the Leisure and Free Time Programme of the Provincial Council of Alicante, the students of the project of school support for children without resources and at risk of exclusion (PAES), of the Globalon Foundation, visited a museum for the first time in their lives: the MARQ. The pupils of the Virgen del Remedio classroom of the Gastón Castelló Cultural Centre enjoyed the exhibition Iran. Cradle of Civilisations in an afternoon in which leisure, learning and culture came together.

The Globalon Foundation for the promotion of sport and culture has as its main aims the promotion of sporting activity as a cause for generating habits that favour social reintegration and the promotion of solidarity; the participation and integration into society of marginalised groups and the physically and sensorially handicapped; attention to people at risk of exclusion for physical, social and cultural reasons; the promotion of culture and tolerance; the development of the information society; the active and participative promotion of sport as a determining element in the use of leisure time and its implementation as a corrective factor of social imbalances that contribute to equality among citizens, especially among young people.