Sunny afternoon of meditation in the gardens of the MARQ. It is now a tradition that every Easter Monday the Brotherhood of El Prendimiento and Nuestra Señora del Consuelo arrange the floral decoration of their three thrones, El Lavatorio, El Prendimiento and Nuestra Señora del Consuelo, in the courtyard of the former Provincial Hospital, the MARQ. The decoration of the floats was visited in the morning by Alfredo Llopis, President of the Junta Mayor de Hermandades y Cofradías de la Semana Santa de Alicante.
Every Easter Monday the brotherhoods meet again at home, as this Brotherhood was founded in 1996 between former workers of the now defunct Provincial Hospital and neighbours of the Pla neighbourhood; to commemorate this health link, the vestas of their costaleros and penitents are green and white. The Christ of the Prendimiento wears the medal of Honorary Steward of the Brotherhood. California de Cartagena. This year 2019, the Provincial Deputy and patron of MARQ, Fernando Sepulcre and Senator Suni Sánchez Zaplana participated in the Presidency of the processional parade, accompanied by the Agrupación Musical La Sinfónica de Crevillent.