A Healthy Friendship


The MARQ has been collaborating with the Paediatrics Service and the Hospital Pedagogical Unit of the General Hospital of Alicante for years with the more than consolidated project "A fairytale Hospital", Swiss Replica Watches with the fundamental objective of making the children's hospital stay more pleasant by learning about societies and their culture through the heritage legacy left to us by the men and women of the past.

The Paediatric Classroom hosts the activities programmed so that hospitalised pupils can learn about the historical periods present in the MARQ and its Sites and Monuments, as well as the different civilisations present in its temporary exhibitions. Each school year is dedicated to a specific theme. The 2018/2019 academic year that is now coming to an end has been based on the exhibition "Rupestre. The first sanctuaries". and in the first artistic manifestations present in our province, once a week.From October to June, educational workshops, dramatised visits, games, storytelling, etc., have been held. discover, at first hand, the way of life, food and utensils of the human groups that made the cave paintings and objects of movable art present in our province: a mural of Levantine art, prehistoric archaeological excavations, restoration workshop, tracings of cave paintings, cardial ceramic bowl, candle-holder, hunting workshop, Macro-schematic Art workshop, Palaeolithic engraving workshop, prehistoric bead workshop, among other works. The school year is coming to an end, but the friendship continues and a new programme is already being prepared to face the new year with renewed impetus...so, to our fellow teachers, to our students of the General de Alicante and to all their families: Happy Summer!