A delegation from the Archaeological Museum leaves for Iran to inaugurate the exhibition 'Alicante, treasures of the MARQ'.


A delegation from the Archaeological Museum will travel this afternoon to Tehran to inaugurate the exhibition 'Alicante, treasures of the MARQ'. at the National Museum of Iran (MNI). The delegation includes the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortésthe museum's technical director, Manuel Olcinaand the exhibition director, Jorge Soler.

Next to the technicians of the alicantino museum who have overseen the unpacking and positioning of partsThey are currently finalising the last details of the assembly, the delegation will a first visit to the rooms of the NMI to check that everything is ready for its opening. The official inauguration will take place on Sunday 22 September and will be attended by the Spanish delegation, headed by the Spanish Ambassador to Iran, Eduardo López Busquets, together with Iranian authorities.

For the Spanish couriers who travelled to Tehran, it has been days of intense but "very rewarding" work, thanks to the warm welcome given by the Iranian museum team and for the facilities they have been offered to carry out their work.  

Alicante. Treasures of the MARQ' is made up of almost 300 pieces which are the result of a careful selection of objects representing the cultures and civilisations that have passed through the Mediterranean from the first human presence to the Modern Age and, in addition, the historical evidence provided by the General Archive of SimancasThe results of these studies, which reveal the important relationships between the Spanish and Safavid crowns at the time of the great empires.