The Didactic Guide to the Provincial Archaeological Museum for the 2019-2020 academic year was presented this afternoon to fifty teachers and school principals from the province of Alicante. The vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia ParraThe joint effort made by Obra Social "La Caixa", teachers and professors and, of course, the MARQ team, to bring archaeology to the youngest children," he said.
From the Didactics Unit, Club Llumiq, Accessibility and Social Responsibility of the MARQ Foundation a comprehensive teaching programme has been developed for the 2019/20 academic year aimed at all educational cycles. The programme includes material in Spanish and English and in e-book version. Workshops and visits to the museum, its sites and monuments and temporary exhibitions have also been prepared.
This year the exhibition 'Idols. Millenary Glances'. As a novelty, two workshops will be held for primary and secondary schools on prehistory and on the first coins of the Iberian culture. The MARQ's educational programme also includes two courses for teachers on the cultural landscape of the Camp d'Alacant and the temporary exhibition 'Idols. Millenary glances'.
Julia Parra assured that the Culture Department of the Provincial Council will continue to support the integral education of children and young people with proposals such as the Educational Guide presented today. The event was also attended by the commercial director of CaixaBank in the Valencia Region, Felipe PulidoThe MARQ Foundation is a partner of the MARQ Foundation's programme. which began in 2016. In the last financial year alone, the following participated in its activities more than 18,000 children from around 900 schools in the province.
The meeting with representatives of the educational community was also attended by the headmaster manager of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortés, y technical director of MARQ, Manuel Olcina.
Presentation of diplomas
At the ceremony held this afternoon at the MARQ, a diploma was awarded to the two winning children of the Competition 'Iran. Cradle of Civilisations' competition, Sara Ortegafirst classified and author of the illustration chosen for the cover of the Foundation's 2019-2020 Didactic Guide, and Pablo Osunafinalist and author of the drawing on the back cover of the guide.