Back with a new story'. is the title of the programme that the MARQ is taking place for the second consecutive year in Foncalent prison. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the accessibility of the group of men and women who are in prison to the knowledge of the history of the province through talks and workshops given by experts.
Through 16 sessionsThe event, which will run until next June, the Didactics and Accessibility Unit of the CV Foundation MARQ has developed a programme with training sessions and experimental workshops in the prison on the knowledge and skills of the Prehistory to the Middle Ages. In addition, the proposal includes debates and discussions on the contents dealt with, viewing of audio-visuals and visits to the museum and the sites of those groups of inmates who meet the necessary requirements at the discretion of the Treatment Board.
This project is also aimed at promoting the prisoners' self-esteemto facilitate their resocialisationto encourage the collaborative learning and to promote eagerness to learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. The talks and workshops will take place two Wednesdays a month from 11:00 to 13:00 and will be given by archaeologists, anthropologists and other MARQ specialists.