The National Museum of Iran integrates MARQ's educational programme into its galleries to bring exhibitions closer to the public.


The didactic programme of the Archaeological Museum of Alicante has made its way to Tehran where it is being successfully developed in theto exhibition Alicante. Treasures of the MARQ'.. This is one of the lines of work of the Alicante centre that has aroused most interest in those responsible for the National Museum of Iran (MNI)The exhibition is part of the exhibition exchange project between the two institutions, and is already being considered for installation in all the permanent exhibition halls.

The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, MEN'S WATCHES Julia ParraThe museum has explained that "thanks to this MARQ method, the contents shown in the MNI are accessible to all audiences, although it is especially aimed at schoolchildren and the visually impaired". In this way, options such as the 3D tactile reproduction of the most unique parts will allow visitors, for the first time, to hold in their hands a replica of some of the masterpieces of Iran's artistic heritage.

At the moment, the didactic material of the Alicante museum is being used to explain the contents of 'Alicante. Treasures of the MARQ' to Iranian children and young people through the implementation of a specific programme of visits with schools in Tehran. The Director General of the NMI, Jebrael NokandehHe was particularly satisfied with the experience and plans to extend the didactic and accessible proposals to other exhibitions and collections of the museum.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the MARQ exhibition currently on display at the MNI is having a excellent reception and has been visited since 22 September by around 5,000 peopleof which just over 10 percent are foreign nationals. MARQ exhibits in Iran 300 pieces that tell the story of the Mediterranean history and their cultures from prehistoric times to the 19th century, with the aim of bearing witness to the ten civilisations that passed through the province of Alicante.