The exhibition 'Rupestre. The First Sanctuaries'. from Archaeological Museum of Alicante has won the prize German Design Award for the pioneering contribution of its architectural project to the international exhibition scene. Through this event, the Ministry of Economy and Technology German recognises and celebrates products, projects, manufacturers and designers from all corners of the world.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraHe valued this recognition "as further proof of the exhibition quality of the MARQ, which offers unique proposals thanks to an extraordinary multidisciplinary collaborative work in which, as in the case of Rupestre, the result was a brilliant staging that is now internationally recognised".
The exhibition, designed by the Director of Architecture of the Diputación de Alicante, Rafael Pérezand by the architect Angel Rocamorawas exhibited last year at MARQ and received more than 85,000 visits until it closed on 5 January 2019. The jury of these prestigious awards, which focus on outstanding achievements in the different fields of art and design, has fields of design and communicationThe original and enveloping exhibition design of RUPESTRE, especially the polygonal ceiling structure in the form of a cave in one of the halls, stood out.
Pérez highlighted the difficulty of the project and said that, to a large extent, its success is due to the realism of the reproductions of our first art. "In this exhibition, the difficulty was that we could not bring the paintings to the museum, hence the use of casts or drawings of the originals to faithfully reflect the power of our cave art in real size," he explained.
The exhibition discourse focused on the pictorial tracesThe exhibition, which took place in the three temporary exhibition halls of the MARQ, invited visitors on a journey through time. The aim was to highlighting the cave paintings and explain their origin, interpretation and context, with the peculiarity of lacking tangible objects.
From a walk through the Altamira CaveThe universal reference of Palaeolithic art, to the contemplation of the contemporary art of the Mallorcan artist Miquel Barcelóthrough the macro-schematic art of the Sanctuary of Pla de PetracosThe exhibition had a great impact in the province and received more than 85,000 visits.