Solidarity music to welcome Christmas at MARQ


The Coro de Voces Blancas de Alicante, Stile Vocale, will give a recital this Saturday 30 November at the MARQ to benefit the Alicante Provincial Association of Women with Breast Cancer APAMM. The programme includes twelve songs, including Christmas carols, the most applauded by the audience. The entrance fee for the concert is 10€, which will be donated by Stile Vocale to meet the needs of APAMM this year, and with its presentation, the MARQ will give all those who collaborate in this cause free admission to the Museum, as well as providing its Auditorium for the concert to take place. The vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra, has expressed her support for this initiative "which I hope many Alicante residents can join in to support the APAMM association, which is doing great work for the benefit of women who have had to face an illness such as cancer and their families".

This solidarity initiative celebrates its third anniversary this year at the MARQ, last year the gala was for the benefit of AODI, Asociación de Ocio Ocupacional para Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual, and in 2017, the funds raised went to the Sociedad San Vicente de Paul Alicante-Obra social Federico Ozanam.

The white voice choir Stile Vocale was founded in 2016 in Alicante by Julia Alonso, Ana Castillo and its director, Sabina Martínez Boj, with the aim of getting together and enjoying music in order to make the audience enjoy it as well.

The choir has 20 voices and a wide repertoire ranging from religious music for liturgical events to classical choral polyphony, Christmas carols and popular songs.